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Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
7/19/2005 1:39:37 AM

You are makin' me blush and that's not easy.
        Photo By: Judi Liosatos  (K:34047)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
7/19/2005 1:23:17 AM

Women and machinery. A real winner here. Satin and sawdust are a good combination, like the red of the dress and the yellow of the heavy machinery make a good combination. Seems your friend has an eye for good composition. Luke - Model is quite attractive as well.
        Photo By: Judi Liosatos  (K:34047)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
7/18/2005 3:34:16 AM

Very nice composition, filling the entire frame and allowing us all to see those beautiful eyes!
        Photo By: James McCormick  (K:94)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
7/18/2005 3:15:32 AM

it is simply exquisitely beautiful. are we not blessed to be able to have these lovely flowers share their glory with us? the image is crystal clear and sharp. nice details in the stamen! good composition with the flower pointing out of the frame. makes you stop and look and perhaps appreciate the gifts we have.
        Photo By: steven carter  (K:2140)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
7/18/2005 3:12:40 AM

they are like very small tomatoes. they grow in this little place and then fill in the fruit later. this husk then peels back. they are quite delicious.
        Photo By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
7/18/2005 3:11:02 AM

what a wonderful image! how did you manage to get so close without disturbing the magic moment? i really like this one.
        Photo By: Sian   (K:2487)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
7/16/2005 12:56:36 PM

I love these crisp sharp lines and the semi-abstract nature of this image.
        Photo By: Yusuf Y  (K:804)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
7/16/2005 12:55:50 PM

Yusuf, that makes sense. So many times it is difficult to offer a meaningful critique without understanding the photographer's intention. I have images that are intentionally blurred that have meaning for me but are trash to others. Keep shooting.
        Photo By: Yusuf Y  (K:804)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
7/16/2005 12:41:09 PM

i think his face is a bit blurred, Kimmy. from here i see a shirt that is tack sharp with slightly out of focused eyes and face. i think the details in this weathered face might be lost if you darken it some.
        Photo By: Kimmy Magino  (K:2457)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
7/16/2005 12:38:48 PM

don't lose that freeness Judi. the world is full of those who would like to take it from you. i have a feeling it is linked to your wonderfully creative photography.
        Photo By: Judi Liosatos  (K:34047)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
7/16/2005 12:36:15 PM

Yusuf, i like your composition, but i think the image is overexposed. there is no detail in your highlights. i would say shoot it again and compensate 1 to 1/12 stops.
        Photo By: Yusuf Y  (K:804)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
7/16/2005 12:31:01 PM

Very nice capture and caption, Marion. This frog looks like he is flying and trying to keep up. I like the color saturation level and the slightly askew composition.
        Photo By: Marion Luijten  (K:6141)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
7/16/2005 12:28:18 PM

Judi, you are so right. These days I want to run out and play in the rain so I can be ready when it stops to capture the rainbow and maybe find the pot of gold as well.
        Photo By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
7/16/2005 12:27:18 PM

Thanks, Judi.
        Photo By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
7/16/2005 11:59:38 AM

the sky really does make the image menacingly beautiful. congratulations on the award.
        Photo By: John Lamb  (K:9687)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
7/16/2005 11:57:55 AM

agree with the need for light under your chin, but this is a wonderful image. creativity wise as well as portrait wise. does it give us any indication about who you are? Luke
        Photo By: Judi Liosatos  (K:34047)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
7/15/2005 11:42:16 PM

Kimmy, the colors and perspective give it an almost 3D appearance. Awesome!
        Photo By: Kimmy Magino  (K:2457)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
7/15/2005 11:39:02 PM

"ojala que" i was just thinking exactly what you said Marion! this is still a well-executed and well-visualized scene. makes me think about rugs woven in the Middle East. It is said that each rug has an imperfection because they are created by humans and only God can create a perfect thing. "Ojala que"
        Photo By: Marion Luijten  (K:6141)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
7/14/2005 2:52:45 AM

love the disappearing perspective in the image.
        Photo By: Janusz Miller  (K:876)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
7/14/2005 2:50:09 AM

thanks to you all, Roberto, Shady and Larissa. What a nice warm feeling it is to have the photo displayed out there for all to see.

        Photo By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
7/12/2005 1:23:43 AM

Thanks, Kimmy!
        Photo By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
7/12/2005 1:09:40 AM

Wow, Rebecca! What a magnificent catch. I am betting this was closer to the 300mm end of the zoom. Nice light and framing. You know it is a good photo when you make eye contact with the insect it the "eyes" are in focus!
        Photo By: Rebecca Raybon  (K:26654)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
7/12/2005 1:07:52 AM

Magical...I even like the portfolio category you have this placed within. I agree that this is a moody landscape, with an air of mystery. Keep shooting!
        Photo By: Kimmy Magino  (K:2457)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
7/10/2005 8:20:54 PM

great shot. needs a bit of reflected light under the hat into her eyes, but still nice pose and great DOF.
        Photo By: antonio harrison  (K:401)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
7/10/2005 8:12:31 PM

The Four Faces of Eve trapped behind the fence, wanting to come out and be real. The real world looking around trying to figure out why not her. The two bikes pointing in opposite directions with a wire basket on one and a woven basket on the other. One light; one dark. Dark top; light colored slacks. Polar opposites yet all the same.
        Photo By: Kimmy Magino  (K:2457)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
7/10/2005 8:08:47 PM

This is exactly how I remember it, Marion. Good lighting in a tough situation.
        Photo By: Marion Luijten  (K:6141)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
7/10/2005 3:26:53 PM

the slight movement gives the image a 3D effect. the sparks look as if they are coming off the page.
        Photo By: Lea Mulqueen  (K:7396)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
7/10/2005 3:25:15 PM

everything but the flash reflection make it a good image. can you tame it somehow?
        Photo By: Emily Enderes  (K:192)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
7/10/2005 3:22:16 PM

the combination of lighting and the color red repeated in the background and the dress really make this a richly sensuous photograph. enough so that it goes to my favorites.
        Photo By: Pawel Chrzanowski  (K:453)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
7/10/2005 3:00:56 PM

What impresses me is that you were able to coax them into shooting in the rain. I kind of like both images, but this one will always be a treasure. Luke
        Photo By: Louise Vessey  (K:13862)

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