Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
10/24/2005 9:48:03 AM
A timeless classic...could be yesterday or one of many yesteryears.
Photo By: Andreas Hering
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
10/24/2005 9:45:16 AM
great combination of tones and composition. I could be sure it was film rather than digital. Want to see more of your beautiful portfolio.
Photo By: Andreas Hering
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
10/23/2005 8:31:41 PM
Thanks, I need lots of help with people images.
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
10/23/2005 8:31:01 PM
Ye, Thilo...there is a slight crop. I removed our house of the right side of the frame. Thanks for the informative critique.
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
10/23/2005 12:52:47 PM
I think it works well in B/W. It has all the right tones. I will have to look at the color version again.
Photo By: Paul Lara
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
10/22/2005 10:18:38 PM
total image awesome stuff!
Photo By: ictenbey / Emrah ICTEN
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
10/22/2005 10:16:07 PM
Thanks, Paul...high praise coming from one whose images I think are grand.
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
10/22/2005 9:35:00 PM
quite some wings he has there. looks like a swimmer's body to me. if i did not know Mark was male I would have to guess at gender. Luke
Photo By: Andrew Caldwell
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
10/22/2005 9:09:26 PM
right down to the backdrop of pure black this is wonderful. a contrast study.
Photo By: Javed Rassi
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
10/22/2005 9:08:45 PM
what a special capture, Javed! I bet Mom loves this image. Even if the baby's face is kind of scrunched up. Timeless in B/W
Photo By: Javed Rassi
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
10/22/2005 1:07:20 PM
I know the light is somewhat harsh on one side of her face. I was trying to use the shade (?) from the tree above us. Apparently the light was a bit too strong.
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
10/22/2005 12:51:39 PM
Thanks, Neal...I just could not bear to delete this one.
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
10/22/2005 12:50:12 PM
Then you understand the need for special places and things, Judi. This is one of those special places that provides insight, perspective and tranquility. Thanks for sharing it with us. Great lighting...love the curving shoreline as it leads the eye back into the image.
Photo By: Judi Liosatos
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
10/22/2005 1:35:17 AM
a wonderful new series with caterpillars...wonderful work here, Gabriela. Love that red satiny look!
Photo By: Gabriella Carta
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
10/20/2005 11:51:46 AM
right on the money with your exposure. nice tones that do not clash with the composition.
Photo By: Robert Farnham
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
10/20/2005 11:37:09 AM
zowie, what an incredible landscape!
Photo By: Paul's Photos
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
10/20/2005 11:33:22 AM
what glorious light for the beautiful vegetables.
Photo By: Mark Longo
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
10/20/2005 2:21:02 AM
This one I do not understand Thilo. Even after reading your "About" I find myself puzzled by the small image subject. Tell me more. Or maybe this is the unknown that I should be exploring.
Photo By: Thilo Bayer
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
10/20/2005 2:19:26 AM
she is beautiful, Gabriella. Child naturally posinig for a camera. We should all be so genuine and photogenic.
Photo By: Gabriella Carta
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
10/20/2005 2:17:18 AM
A beautiful waif waiting for...
Photo By: Claude Tenot
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
10/18/2005 1:02:49 PM
Nice work Amy. It is deserving of the attention it is getting.
Photo By: Amy Astolfi
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
10/18/2005 10:52:23 AM
what beautiful eyes! what a beautiful portrait!
Photo By: Andrew Caldwell
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
10/17/2005 9:32:31 PM
Very well done, Kenneth. I agree that the flash really helps separate the subject from the background.
Photo By: Kenneth Roine
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
10/17/2005 9:16:53 PM
Thanks to all who have contributed critiques and comments. This is my favorite time of year and you will probably tire of seeing autumn images. Looking now for the deep umbers following the glorious bursts of color.
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
10/17/2005 8:14:00 PM
She is as beautifully portrayed in color as you have photographed her in B/W. Excellent soft lighting.
Photo By: Claude Tenot
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
10/16/2005 2:45:55 PM
Yes, I do, Paul...and I thank you for your critique for the image.
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
10/16/2005 11:20:15 AM
great mood lighting here, Paul.
Photo By: Paul Lara
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
10/16/2005 11:16:55 AM
well done. like the synchronous step of the couple. the compementray colors of their outfits. wonder how long they have been married. too bad that skipper's hat is so low...we are missing the details in his face because of the shadows. nice street shooting.
Photo By: Thilo Bayer
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
10/15/2005 9:08:31 PM
I like the lace background. Not sure if the wicker chair hanging out from it adds or detracts. I think having a simpler background would be easier on the eyes that are lead to this piece just up from her beautiful face.
Photo By: Tony Diana
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
10/15/2005 9:06:25 PM
Bueno, Tony. Deseo ver un poco mas luz en la cara de ella. Todo mas salio bien. Tu amigo, Lucio
Photo By: Tony Diana