Critique By:
Chris Spracklen (K:32552)
11/27/2005 9:33:14 PM
An excellent study, Luke. Great colours and perfect lighting. Best regards, Chris
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Rosario Esposito (K:9796)
11/27/2005 5:44:41 PM
Optimal particular,very nice still life,compliments -Rosario-
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
11/27/2005 3:48:26 PM
Oh what a lovely title and story. So appropriate as it does in fact look like a prehistoric plant of sorts. I love the comoposition you've used here with a lovely depth of field and the background is a good compliment to contrast it well. I like the way my eyes are drawn first to the centre then the lines take me out to the edges from the centre instead of firstly drawing me into the centre. Very nice image to view Luke.
Thank you also for your comment on my Still Blue image.
Cheers - Ann
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
NN (K:26787)
11/27/2005 1:18:51 PM
Hi Luke! These natural smiles are so contagious! A charming shot; these girls do look happy
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Neal Nye (K:15827)
11/27/2005 2:54:13 AM
Cool. Looks like an x-ray.
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Thilo Bayer (K:50358)
11/26/2005 7:31:50 PM
Hi Luke,
I like the closeup idea here. good entry of the project. The off-centering gives the image the right tension IHHO. As I see, you realized my black & white idea in the next image. =)
best wishes, Thilo
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Thilo Bayer (K:50358)
11/23/2005 9:10:50 PM
Hi Luke,
I like stills with a strong contrast between the subject and the background. You managed to do exactly that. good details, the "softness" of the slipper came out quite well.
best wishes, Thilo
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Neal Nye (K:15827)
11/23/2005 3:21:02 AM
This technique worked out very well. No harsh shadows, but still revealing of all the subtle changes in the form. Nice.
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Margaret Sturgess (K:49403)
11/22/2005 8:14:38 AM
Very good work Luke, I like it a lot great mix of colours, textures and shapes. [Love the phr4ase Digi sandwich ] Margaret
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Margaret Sturgess (K:49403)
11/22/2005 8:12:32 AM
Luke Such delightful smiles a nice capture, but maybe a little flat. Was wondering if you made it a bit more contrasty and concentrated more on they lovely smiles it would give it more punch. Had a play, [which I think is a little overdone] to see if you like the general idea. I also like the colour one posted after Margaret
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Neal Nye (K:15827)
11/21/2005 4:55:59 AM
Happy faces. I hope they don't gang up on you. If they do, let me know. I'll give 'em a call and set 'em straight
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Thilo Bayer (K:50358)
11/20/2005 6:24:03 PM
Hi Luke,
seems to be a nice meeting. I like the snapshot look of the image. "just" a moment in time, a frozen second, but this lasts for a long time and you will several occasions in the future when you look at the image and say "well, that was a great time".
best wishes, Thilo
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Paul Lara (K:88111)
11/20/2005 7:23:00 AM
Some adorable smiles!
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Rashed Abdulla (K:163889)
11/20/2005 5:33:43 AM
very nice composition and wonderful details and colors,very best regards.
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Neal Nye (K:15827)
11/20/2005 1:12:07 AM
Delightful. It's gotta make one smile.
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Neal Nye (K:15827)
11/20/2005 1:10:54 AM
Looks like everyone was having a good time. A very appealing expression.
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
11/19/2005 6:37:07 PM
great result.
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
11/19/2005 6:25:56 PM
WOW... Wonderful frozen water. Love the DOF and the background compliments this really nicely. A real bonus the way these water droplets catch the light. Great shot Luke. I like it very much.
Cheers - Ann
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Saeed Al Shamsi (K:47735)
11/19/2005 6:10:25 PM
Excellent sharp details and expression, your choice of B&W of superb. Saeed
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Thilo Bayer (K:50358)
11/19/2005 6:02:00 PM
Hi Luke,
your water shot looks like pearls or even ice. your exposure was very right here. like that green reflection carpet that leads to the right. maybe a bit more of that part would intensify the image.
best wishes, Thilo
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Neal Nye (K:15827)
11/19/2005 3:27:55 AM
Delightful. These droplets almost look like holiday decorations. I can just hear their tinkling music.
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Neal Nye (K:15827)
11/19/2005 3:25:58 AM
There's a lot to like in this. I particularly like the shape of that light spot where the cement is chipped. Sharp eyes you have.
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Alison DuFlon (K:36566)
11/19/2005 12:46:12 AM
I love the different colors of the leaves, beautiful details and the raindrops really add extra beauty. Alison
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Ina Nicolae (K:44481)
11/19/2005 12:21:02 AM
Excellent image, Luke! I like the fact that the low B & W contrast flattens the three dimensional stairs and the effect is much more interesting to look at. Great composition! Regards, Ina
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Kamran Bakhtiari (K:24048)
11/18/2005 8:21:01 PM
Hi Luke,THANKS,you made me happy,greeting.... from you to you.....
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Andrew Caldwell (K:18307)
11/18/2005 6:21:27 AM
Superb find, terrific texture study.
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Thilo Bayer (K:50358)
11/17/2005 9:54:38 PM
Hi Luke,
The absence of a real black area makes this image so special. the textures and leaves really shine in this image with the plastic bag on top of it. good eye on this one and lol on the title.
best wishes, Thilo
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
NN (K:26787)
11/17/2005 1:14:29 PM
Hi Luke! Definitely an intriguing and attractive combination Well done, digi chef
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Claude Tenot (K:9960)
11/17/2005 7:40:43 AM
C'est vraiment une photo d'aujourd'hui...bravo pour le contraste entre les couleurs vives du cadre général de l'image et les gris de l'âme..ce contraste renforce le poid et la force visuelle de la photo..
bien joué Luke
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
anandaroop ghosh (K:1787)
11/17/2005 7:25:28 AM
wonderful abstract. very unusual. you have a great eye.
Photo By: Luke Luther