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Critiques from Cindy L
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Critiques From Cindy L Brown


Critique By: Cindy L Brown  (K:166)  
11/28/2003 6:50:12 AM

This is a beautiful shot Marja! wow! I have not done anything with this site for a long time, I think I will get back into it! Looks to be pretty active now! This is just super for a Macro shot, the colors are wonderful! Just a great shot all around! Congrats!
        Photo By: Marja Konimaki  (K:178)

Critique By: Cindy L Brown  (K:166)  
11/27/2002 3:52:32 PM

Hi Scott! i see you like mallards and grasshoppers also! they are such my favorites! I have tons of pictures of these critters. Nicely done. I wish the Hopper was just a bit brighter. But he is sitting nicely on the flower.
Thank you for the comment on my Little Beggar.. It was the only comment I got on it!
        Photo By: Scott Carver  (K:690)

Critique By: Cindy L Brown  (K:166)  
11/19/2002 1:05:21 PM

Hi Barabra! I really love the color of this tree.. almost a silver hue. The colors are wonderful around it, and you presented it very nicely! (tee hee on the title)
        Photo By: Barbara A. Novak  (K:306)

Critique By: Cindy L Brown  (K:166)  
11/19/2002 1:04:42 PM

Hi Barabra! I really love the color of this tree.. almost a silver hue. The colors are wonderful around it, and you presented it very nicely! (tee hee on the title)
        Photo By: Barbara A. Novak  (K:306)

Critique By: Cindy L Brown  (K:166)  
11/19/2002 8:28:55 AM

This turned out very well I think! You have a good siting there! I wanted so much to be able to watch this last night, but couldn't wake up! So now i can see it still! You captured the meteor great! hope you are sleeping now!! Well done effort!
        Photo By: Joe McCary  (K:3235)

Critique By: Cindy L Brown  (K:166)  
11/19/2002 8:22:19 AM

Hi Greg! A wonderful sunset! That would de-stress anyone to be able to look at that! I love the leading lines, and the colors with the dark silhouetes. Perfect reflection. What a wonderful site this must have been. Very nice!
        Photo By: Greg Summers  (K:1115)

Critique By: Cindy L Brown  (K:166)  
8/3/2002 8:26:20 PM

How wonderful! I really think you picked the best title for this one! such a clear shot, and the color of the rose is wonderful! (peach is my favorite) Just great Danny!!
        Photo By: Danny Provost  (K:812)

Critique By: Cindy L Brown  (K:166)  
7/27/2002 12:18:15 PM

Well.. this is just lovely!! and e.e. cummings! one of my favorites! You did this so well.. i hope you have made a card out of this! It belongs in Hallmark! The flowers are delicate.. presenting the mood of the poem, and the background is so complimentary with them. Very nice.. why no comments??? hard to get on this site i think! Thank you for commenting on my sunflower! I replyed there.. i do not know how to get around this site yet, and do not know if there are personal replys or not! But thank you for taking the time to help me out! Cindy
        Photo By: John Charlton  (K:5595)

Critique By: Cindy L Brown  (K:166)  
7/27/2002 12:13:17 PM

Thank you John.. Great ideas! I left it this way really because i rather liked the tree and the bird feeder ropes.. but i sure will re-take it, and see if i like it even better.. the flower was taller than me, and i had to bend it a little to get to see the pollen, and that i guess is why i ended up with more top than bottom. maybe i should forget about the feeder, and just take a shot at the flower. I didn't think anyone would know what it was leaning against if i took the ropes out. Ok.. here i go.. back out to the sunflower garden! thank you for taking the time to comment!!!
        Photo By: Cindy L Brown  (K:166)

Critique By: Cindy L Brown  (K:166)  
7/27/2002 7:34:13 AM

OHH! A very nice one! I love the center glow. Great colors in this one too.. you posted this yesterday! why no comments but mine!! Great picture Danny!
        Photo By: Danny Provost  (K:812)

Critique By: Cindy L Brown  (K:166)  
7/27/2002 7:32:01 AM

This is a very nice shot! the colors are wonderful! A bit soft in focus, but still nicely presented!
        Photo By: Danny Provost  (K:812)

Critique By: Cindy L Brown  (K:166)  
7/27/2002 7:28:38 AM

Wonderful lines! the silhouette of the bridge is the greatest point of the picture.. like the sun star too tho! Nice work!
        Photo By: Maarten Venter  (K:885)

Critique By: Cindy L Brown  (K:166)  
7/27/2002 7:24:23 AM

This is to good to be true! A perfect scene! all the other comments say it all! wonderful work. i am impressed!
        Photo By: Kenneth Kwan  (K:3084)

Critique By: Cindy L Brown  (K:166)  
7/27/2002 7:20:28 AM

BEAUTIFUL!! This was done just great! the colors, and the lighting are perfect. wonderful job at capturing the "flow" of the water on the bank. I was very excited to see this was done with a 7E i just got mine.. working on the first roll of film! Any tips for me?? if you could share any info, i would appreciate it very much! Great picture!! and inspiration to me! Cindy
        Photo By: Kenneth Kwan  (K:3084)

Critique By: Cindy L Brown  (K:166)  
7/27/2002 7:14:32 AM

Very lovely Image! At first i thought the archway was a bit to dark, but looking at the entire effect, it is really not to dark, with the little bit of sun shining on the tiles, it brightens it up! I really like this.. great angle! a wonderful "peek" at the river. I would crop just a bit more on each side, but not really necessary.. very nice work~!
        Photo By: Jeffery Koski  (K:15)

Critique By: Cindy L Brown  (K:166)  
7/21/2002 6:20:32 PM

Very Nice shot Steven, Nice colors, pretty blue sky really makes the bird pop out! Very eye catching. Regards, Cindy
        Photo By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)

Critique By: Cindy L Brown  (K:166)  
7/21/2002 6:17:25 AM

Nice Hopper picture! You sure got in there close! Good color. I like the markings on his leg.
        Photo By: John Charlton  (K:5595)

Critique By: Cindy L Brown  (K:166)  
7/21/2002 6:11:59 AM

Another wonderful shot.. the color is right on with this. Beautiful! Good job!
        Photo By: Danny Provost  (K:812)

Critique By: Cindy L Brown  (K:166)  
7/21/2002 6:09:31 AM

What a beauty!! so i see you are a butterfly nut too!! lol.. which garden did you go to? I went to a butterfly expo here in Madison. That is where i got all mine. This is just so nice, I love the green color on the wings. It looks to be a swallowtail of some sort. Do you know which one? I could look it up in my book, but sometimes, these gardens bring in ones that are out of our regions. Just wondering.. i am really into learning about these beautiful delicate creatures. It has been fun, and a learning experience!
Regards, Cindy
        Photo By: Danny Provost  (K:812)

Critique By: Cindy L Brown  (K:166)  
7/21/2002 6:05:15 AM

Thank you for the warm welcome! I already love this site!
regards to all, Cindy
        Photo By: Cindy L Brown  (K:166)

Critique By: Cindy L Brown  (K:166)  
7/21/2002 5:51:56 AM

Simply beautiful! I love this shot. Very good DOF and quite the moment captured. Well done!
        Photo By: Beverly Gustafson  (K:1572)

Critique By: Cindy L Brown  (K:166)  
7/20/2002 8:13:23 AM

Hi Marja! This is a wonderful shot, the soft pink color is beautiful.. and the water droplets are such a nice addition!
        Photo By: Marja Konimaki  (K:178)


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