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Critique By: Nancy Hartzog  (K:25)  
7/21/2002 12:18:10 PM

I like this very much. It expresses the mood perfectly. Looking at the photo, its almost possible to feel the cold and experience the a-loneness.
        Photo By: Vizal   (K:79)

Critique By: Antonio Díaz  (K:2710)  
7/8/2002 10:48:02 AM

great shot! i think you must not chance anything.. just perfect!
looks like hand-coloured... is it?
        Photo By: Vizal   (K:79)

Critique By: Quinn Jacobson  (K:199)  
7/8/2002 10:16:41 AM

I don't know if I get this. There are parts to the image I like, but the $7.99 thing eludes me. Please fill me in.
My comments: I like the content but I think it's too dark and it needs to be cropped. See attached.
        Photo By: Vizal   (K:79)

Critique By: Terrence Kent  (K:7023)  
7/8/2002 10:04:54 AM

Mmmmmm, love this~
        Photo By: Vizal   (K:79)

Critique By: Jesvant.S   (K:62)  
7/2/2002 9:25:42 PM

forgot to upload the edit without car
        Photo By: Vizal   (K:79)

Critique By: Jesvant.S   (K:62)  
7/2/2002 9:24:09 PM

Fantastic shot.

I dont know if it would be better without the piece of the car in the frame. Seeing the car sort of adds to the spontaneous nature of the image in a way.
        Photo By: Vizal   (K:79)

Critique By: Koen B  (K:3279)  
5/11/2002 11:48:06 PM

Very nice ! Just perfect !
        Photo By: Vizal   (K:79)

Critique By: Christine Huie  (K:63)  
5/11/2002 7:11:45 AM

This is an interesting shot. I agree with the others in that there are several things that could be done to "improve" this shot, BUT I also find it very metaphorical. Water is a no-frills beverage .... pure and simple - just as you have captured it here. In some way the horizontal seam of the background works for me as well. I'm a huge fan of using negative space in photography and this is a fantastic example.
        Photo By: Vizal   (K:79)

Critique By: Koen B  (K:3279)  
5/10/2002 4:54:04 AM

I like it. Especially the leaves falling down. The light and sky really make it cold. Fits the project "poetry" well. Neat idea !
        Photo By: Vizal   (K:79)

Critique By: Koen B  (K:3279)  
5/9/2002 3:09:18 PM

Nice shot. I'm not an expert in this kind of photography (not in any kind actually but maybe you could place some lights/reflectors so that the shape of the glass is accentuated. It seems a bit flat to me. I do see some gradations in gray, but I don't know wether some of them are artifacts due to jpeg compression. Also, there is a very dark spot on the right in the glass while the rest of the scene is very much lighter. Was this your intent ?
        Photo By: Vizal   (K:79)


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