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Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
1/22/2009 1:54:47 AM

Dear Lise!
A perfect details again. Very well croped. You choose a perfect a scene with nice details and soft colors.
Thanks for your share.
Warm Regards.
        Photo By: Lise Waters  (K:75)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
1/22/2009 1:51:16 AM

Dear Lise!
A man like me who lives in Turkey, Its impossible to imagine (out of my imagination) a girl who take the shots in Antarctica.
Very well croped. Clear details with a perfect title.
very well composed.
Best Regards. thanks for your share.
        Photo By: Lise Waters  (K:75)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
1/22/2009 1:46:28 AM

Dear Thomas!
Very nice work you realized. I like the softness and contrast. Maybe a little bit light more.
Best Regards.
        Photo By: Thomas Tzolas  (K:256)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
1/22/2009 1:38:17 AM

Dear Solmaz!
This is my first time that I am leaving a critique to one of your shots. Your name is so known Turkish woman name. Regarding your shot your title is correct. In French "Cul de Sac" is for the street without exit.
A perfect symmetrical shot. Perfect depth feeling with soft colors decored with water mirrors.
Thanks for your share.
Warm Regards.
        Photo By: Solmaz Pahlavanzadeh  (K:5141) Donor

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
1/22/2009 1:29:29 AM

Dear Ania !
A perfect scene capture with typical European Tiger species. You captured very well her/him curios looks. Very clear details. And a perfect title.
Thanks for your share.
Warm Hugs.
        Photo By: Ania Zielińska-Hoşaf  (K:61374) Donor

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
1/21/2009 1:53:00 AM

Dear Ania!
Excellent work. Amazing environment and textures both to the ground and boat. Excellent variations of the tones between ground and boat!
A PERFECT SHOT. Compliments.
Warm Regards.
        Photo By: Ania Blazejewska  (K:23981) Donor

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
1/21/2009 1:28:30 AM

My Dear Friend Yazeed!
First of all I am so proud that you added me as your friend. This is another kind of sentiments that you give me.
You created a great composition with simple objects. Highly esthetic. Perfect selection for B/W. Wonderful composition. Perfect contrast and lighting. Simple and clear details.
Warm Regards.
Your Friend Ali
        Photo By: M  jalili  (K:69009) Donor

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
1/21/2009 1:24:14 AM

My Dear Master Nicki!
You perfectly composed a wonderful Agean-Greek island scene. I dont know what but I like so much the Greek coasts and Greek islands. Your observed very well. And perfectly presented with clear details and soft tones. And these lovely flowers gives another mood to your shot.
Thanks for your share. Warm Hugs.
Your Friend Ali
        Photo By: Nicole Besch  (K:72664) Donor

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
1/21/2009 1:20:05 AM

My Dear Master Nicki!
First of all I am happy for your kind visit and warm critique. This shot was taken in an anatolian small village cafe shop. Table and players was under the pergola completely covered with green leafs. And the shadows happen on that situation. I am happy that your are glad that I am posting again.
We are he good friends.
Your Friend Ali For Forever
        Photo By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
1/19/2009 1:23:04 PM

Dear Aylin and Çağatay!
What a nice dedication for our friend Marian Man completely charged friendship and love.
Happy Birthday Marian. All the bests for you.
Aylin Hanım Bir Soru. Bu dogum tarihleri UF de nasıl öğreniliyor ?
Ellerinize Sağlık. Çok ince düşünmüşsünüz.
        Photo By: CAGATAY ATASAGUN  (K:21564)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
1/19/2009 1:13:24 PM

What a graceful with a sentiments of serenity and elegance.
Happy Birthday Marian
My Best wishes to you
        Photo By: Markus Scholz  (K:23722) Donor

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
1/18/2009 6:05:58 PM

My Dear SRNA!
It takes so long time that I had a imagination how and when and by which critique I will pass the 10.000 border of critique counter in UF. This dream will realize in a few minutes after that critique. I need to realize it with one of your shot. And I selected this shot.
Now and Here. Thanks so much four your support and all of things that you feel about this poor and virtual PETIT PRINCE.
Your Friend Ali for forever.
        Photo By: Srna Stankovic  (K:172232) Donor

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
1/18/2009 5:51:41 PM

My Dear Friend John!
A perfect scene of Aegean sea and Greek Ports entry. You presented very well. I like that kind of Aegean Sea Fishing and cargo boats. And the moment of your capture is perfect with very warm enough tones.
Warm Regards.
Your Friend Ali
        Photo By: John Hatz  (K:156973)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
1/18/2009 5:45:51 PM

My Dear Marian!
A wonderful sunset from you with impressive sun rays. And amazing color tones that you have on this shot. Nice dedication for a friend as you always done for your friend.
Warm Hugs.
Your Friend Ali
        Photo By: Marian Man  (K:80636) Donor

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
1/18/2009 5:40:15 PM

Dear Yazeed!
I dont how you seen that detail. Great eye you have. Perfect composition in simple scene. And the mood very strong.
Perfect. I like it.
Best Regards.
        Photo By: M  jalili  (K:69009) Donor

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
1/18/2009 5:35:28 PM

Dear Anne!
very nice portrait with your nice pov, i like the tones, contrast and their simple variations!! Depending your title I have a question for you. This beautiful Lady is probably your mother ??
compliments anne
        Photo By: RC. Dany  (K:64104)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
1/18/2009 5:28:23 PM

Dear Kanishka!
Perfect portrait with soft tones and clear details. And I like this portrait color harmony.
Best Regards To You and To Your Country People.
        Photo By: Kanishka Dasgupta  (K:2026)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
1/18/2009 5:24:06 PM

Dear Yazeed!
Thanks so much for your visit and for your kind critique about this shot. I am glad that you like it.
Best Regards.
        Photo By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
1/18/2009 5:19:44 PM

My Dear Srna!
I am completely sharing the entry part of John ideas. Yes you right dreaming up to physical touch. We are the humans, without touching, seeing some things seems to us impossible. But the dreams are the food of our souls and hearts.
Warm Hugs From Your Friend Ali.
        Photo By: Srna Stankovic  (K:172232) Donor

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
1/18/2009 5:12:54 PM

My Dear Srna!
Another talking picture from you in excellent presentation. With soft focus and B/W tones. And ..... Eyes. You perfectly pointed whats running between that eyes. Basically the thing which makes this shot pure soft is LOVE. We are thinking on a same axe while taking a shots. First of all the mood is important.
Thanks for your share for this perfect dual portrait.
My Best Wishes For David in His Birth Day.
Warm Hugs From Your Stupid Friend Ali who imagine him self as PETIT PRINCE.
        Photo By: Srna Stankovic  (K:172232) Donor

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
1/18/2009 5:01:24 PM

My Dear Srna!
First of all thanks so much for your visit and for your kind critique about this shot as you always done for your friend Ali. I am so happy that you like the shadows and DOF. I know always you take big care to the message of the shots. And always big part of your critiques contains a word about title. As you describe my message is so strong and impressive. Probably we feel same thing...
Warm Hugs From Your Friend Ali.
        Photo By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
1/18/2009 4:54:32 PM

Dear Anne!
Thanks so much for your visit and for your kind critique about this shot.
Best Regards.
        Photo By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
1/18/2009 4:53:42 PM

Dear Kanishka!
Thanks so much for your visit and for your kind critique about this shot.
Best Regards.
        Photo By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
1/18/2009 2:57:43 AM

Dear Yamil!
I dont know how you captured that kind of clear details in that motion. Perfect details and very clear shot. Great eye.
Thanks for your share.
Best Regards.
        Photo By: Yamil Saenz  (K:12434) Donor

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
1/18/2009 2:53:33 AM

Dear Alberto!
What a great eye you have. Perfect composition with natural mirrors. I dont know how you found this panorama but you observed perfectly. And your clouds are great. Thanks for your share.
        Photo By: Alberto Romano  (K:2407) Donor

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
1/18/2009 2:47:09 AM

Dear Hubert!
Nothing to say. Speechless I am. Perfecttttt.
        Photo By: Hubert Mackiewicz  (K:661)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
1/18/2009 2:42:52 AM

Sevgili Bahadır!
Çok iyi görmüş ve kadrajlamışsın. Polarizede çok iyi olmuş. Biraz denizin renginde kaçmış. Çok mükemmel olmuş. Umarım bu tek yönlü bir yerleşme biletidir. Datçada benimde bir sürü arkadaşım var. Eline , gözlerine sağlık.
Ali İkizkaya
        Photo By: Bahadır Karatas  (K:179)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
1/17/2009 3:49:20 PM

My Dear Friend John!
I am happy you like this cat in the sponge basket. But a little bit sad story she has. I had a hundred poses of her. Yes you right she was a hugable.
Thanks for your visit and for your kind critique.
Your Friend Ali
        Photo By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
1/17/2009 3:18:15 PM

My Dear Friend John!
My Dear Friend Who Lives On the Other Coast Of The Sama Sea!
I am glad that you like this work. And you found the magic word for explaining this shot. FREEZING. You right. Freezing the moment for giving complete emotion of that tale.
Thanks for your visit and for your kind critique.
Your Friend Ali
        Photo By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
1/17/2009 3:09:05 PM

Sevgili Arif!
Ziyaretin ve tekrar sesini duymak çok güzel. Epeydir yoktun. Dostlar birer ikişer kayboluyor. Korkmaya başlamıştım.
Senden gelen yoruma sevindim.
Sevgilerim İle. Arkadaşın Ali İkizkaya
        Photo By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)

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