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Critique By: mike reed  (K:493)  
11/19/2006 7:42:37 PM

thank you dave, havent been able to shoot anything in about a month, been real busy but i switched to digital and bought a canon rebel and its help me improve alot but still have so much stuff to learn.
        Photo By: mike reed  (K:493)

Critique By: Dave Holland  (K:13074)  
11/19/2006 3:55:35 PM

Mike, you're really improving quickly.
        Photo By: mike reed  (K:493)

Critique By: Ibrahim Youssef  (K:5579) Donor  
10/17/2006 3:06:57 PM

Very nice portrait, well done:)
        Photo By: mike reed  (K:493)

Critique By: mike reed  (K:493)  
10/10/2006 2:52:48 AM

thank you ameed, any other time i would have sought out a good location but this was a spur of the moment thing.i didnt even know it was lightning outside until i stepped out for a smoke and hurried back in for the camera and tripod and this is the end result. the whole thing only lasted about 30 minutes so i didnt have time to get to another area.thanks again for your comments and i like how you cropped it.
        Photo By: mike reed  (K:493)

Critique By: Ameed El-Ghoul  (K:42215)  
10/10/2006 1:37:17 AM

Hi Mike,
This one has to be your best,
I like the composition allot, I am a big fan of Long exposure.
I will try my best to help you with this one.
usually when shooting long exposure, I try to keep away from any artificial light source, unless it is meant to be in the picture. usually they damage it and leave some flares as this one in here.
To improve this picture, I would go with the square image. to remove the street light heat and the flare, this will remove the distraction and force the eye to concentrate on the lighting it self.
The best practice is to remove any distraction before shooting, like selecting a spot that wont have any electricity cables and so on.
keep up the good work, you have the touch.
PS. Please check attachement.
        Photo By: mike reed  (K:493)

Critique By: mike reed  (K:493)  
9/22/2006 5:24:48 PM

thank you jan, its all about baseball its seems like in this household
        Photo By: mike reed  (K:493)

Critique By: Jan Hoffman  (K:39467)  
9/22/2006 3:59:26 PM

Saw this a million times when my kids were growing up. Brings back good memories. I like the tone you selected. Well done.
        Photo By: mike reed  (K:493)

Critique By: Clive Carter  (K:8603)  
9/8/2006 8:02:46 AM

There is a right and wrong way for doing many things in photoshop. What I told you to do is the wrong way to make adjustments. You should always use layers that way you are not altering the original shot. As I am unaware of your skill level with photoshop, I just mentioned the quickest way but not the best.
Anyway, glad you could see the difference, if I can help further please send an email to
        Photo By: mike reed  (K:493)

Critique By: mike reed  (K:493)  
9/7/2006 11:23:02 PM

thank you for the advice,the b&w looks great and the crop makes a world of difference. as always i liked to hear what you have to say about my pics
        Photo By: mike reed  (K:493)

Critique By: mike reed  (K:493)  
9/7/2006 11:20:03 PM

thanks clive i do have photoshop and i tried your advice and it looks alot better thank you
        Photo By: mike reed  (K:493)

Critique By: Clive Carter  (K:8603)  
9/7/2006 10:17:38 PM

Sorry, I should have said, move the right hand slider in toward the centre.
        Photo By: mike reed  (K:493)

Critique By: Clive Carter  (K:8603)  
9/7/2006 10:15:34 PM

Mike, The image is a little flat (lacking contrast). All you need to do to adjust this is, (if you have photoshop) go to adjustment/levels and bring in the left hand slider until you get a nice skin tone.
This will give the image quite a big lift and give you more bang for the bucks :-)
        Photo By: mike reed  (K:493)

Critique By: Larry Fosse  (K:66493)  
9/7/2006 9:28:27 PM

Very adorable Portrait excellent color & detail...a little lighting may help
        Photo By: mike reed  (K:493)

Critique By: Doyle D. Chastain  (K:101119) Donor  
9/7/2006 7:45:37 PM

Here is the version modified for you to consider.
-- Forgot to attach it --

Doyle I <~~~~~
        Photo By: mike reed  (K:493)

Critique By: Doyle D. Chastain  (K:101119) Donor  
9/7/2006 7:44:51 PM

Hey Mike . . . cute lil one here.
A couple of thoughts come to mind that I'll throw out for you to consider. First, I think you should crop it so that the subject is pulled out of the center . . . making the shot a bit more dynamic.
Second . . . the tonal range here suggested to me that this would be a good candidate for a black & white conversion. (I attached an example). As with most B&W conversions, slight changes in midtones, contrast and light levels help make the conversion stronger so I did look into that too. Just a thought or two!

Doyle I <~~~~~

        Photo By: mike reed  (K:493)

Critique By: Clive Carter  (K:8603)  
8/24/2006 6:27:56 AM

Mike, This image although nicely taken is lacking in contrast. What it needs is a little adjustment with the levels command.
        Photo By: mike reed  (K:493)

Critique By: Pablo Dylan  (K:63918) Donor  
8/18/2006 4:09:06 PM

Excellent double portrait.

        Photo By: mike reed  (K:493)

Critique By: mike reed  (K:493)  
8/17/2006 2:24:21 AM

thanks for you comment and your right the carport, powerlines do not do anything to the pic but it was the spur of the moment and i was in my pjs lolololol
        Photo By: mike reed  (K:493)

Critique By: mike reed  (K:493)  
8/17/2006 2:20:56 AM

thank you kimmy, yea thats real and there was alot of it about 3 hours worth
        Photo By: mike reed  (K:493)

Critique By: mike reed  (K:493)  
8/17/2006 2:19:59 AM

hi carlen and thank you, if learned alot from people here and trying to put it to use
        Photo By: mike reed  (K:493)

Critique By: Carlen Boersema  (K:6789) Donor  
8/16/2006 5:23:12 PM

Your first attempt? I never would have guessed that. To me what makes a nice sunset picture is to have many colours in it, which you do, and then to add the clouds, there is a dramatic feeling created. Well done.
        Photo By: mike reed  (K:493)

Critique By: Carlen Boersema  (K:6789) Donor  
8/16/2006 5:21:43 PM

Hey, I haven't been around to your portfolio in a while and wanted to check-in... I can't believe how much you've improved. I haven't even tried to capture lightning because of how difficult it is. I like the atmosphere created in this photo too. Keep up the good work, as usual.
        Photo By: mike reed  (K:493)

Critique By: Kimmy Magino  (K:2457)  
8/16/2006 8:32:49 AM

Now we're talking real lightning....
Regards, Kimmy Magino
        Photo By: mike reed  (K:493)

Critique By: So Cal Photograhper  (K:15529)  
8/16/2006 4:46:53 AM

Great lighting with the clouds. I like the lighting of the night sky.

Nice attempt at capturing the lightening. I suprised the lightening is coming from the side vs from above. Never seen it captured in this way.

You can't exactly pick where you're going to be during a ligtening storm, but I think not having someones carport in the photo would have made for a better image. A silhoutte of surrounding areas would have been nice. Maybe next time the lightening storm with short out the power lines in the neighborhood.

Your exposure is perfect. I think the 10 second shutter speed was perfect.
        Photo By: mike reed  (K:493)

Critique By: So Cal Photograhper  (K:15529)  
8/16/2006 4:46:36 AM

Great lighting with the clouds. I like the lighting of the night sky.

Nice attempt at capturing the lightening. I suprised the lightening is coming from the side vs from above. Never seen it captured in this way.

You can't exactly pick where you're going to be during a ligtening storm, but I think not having someones carport in the photo would have made for a better image. A silhoutte of surrounding areas would have been nice. Maybe next time the lightening storm with short out the power lines in the neighborhood.

Your exposure is perfect. I think the 10 second shutter speed was perfect.

        Photo By: mike reed  (K:493)

Critique By: mike reed  (K:493)  
8/16/2006 3:10:01 AM

yea i know, it took me 294 shots to get about 7 good thanks for the comment
        Photo By: mike reed  (K:493)

Critique By: mike reed  (K:493)  
8/16/2006 3:08:13 AM

yea i know trust me if i could of i would have but was a spur of the moment and i was where i was ya know. thanks for you comment
        Photo By: mike reed  (K:493)

Critique By: mike reed  (K:493)  
8/16/2006 3:06:58 AM

thanks budi!!
        Photo By: mike reed  (K:493)

Critique By: bill smith  (K:5416)  
8/16/2006 2:17:14 AM

I like it Mike,
I've tried to capture lightning before and I know it's not easy so you did good. The light on the house really adds to the difficulty so i'd give you a 7 out of 10....not bad at all.
        Photo By: mike reed  (K:493)

Critique By: Ray Strickland  (K:138)  
8/16/2006 2:11:02 AM

Mike, nice shot of the lightning and contrasting foreground, but could have been better if you could have gotten away from the power lines.
        Photo By: mike reed  (K:493)

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