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Luigi P.
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a. S.
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Salvador Marķa L.
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Patrick B.
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Critiques From Suzanne Strenk


Critique By: Suzanne Strenk  (K:98)  
9/1/2006 2:50:18 PM

This is an amazing shot- the colors are very vibrant. Do you have any landscape shots of orchids? How much would you charge me for a 20x30 of one?
        Photo By: Dierk Kruse  (K:315)

Critique By: Suzanne Strenk  (K:98)  
7/25/2006 7:26:14 PM

Great pic but i feel I need to see the other half of your face
        Photo By: Bryce Hughes  (K:2957)

Critique By: Suzanne Strenk  (K:98)  
4/3/2002 11:52:45 AM

Fantastic job with the lighting! I love how only one half of the face is illuminated. How did you set it up?
        Photo By: Ryan Thomas  (K:182)

Critique By: Suzanne Strenk  (K:98)  
4/3/2002 11:37:33 AM

Wow! The lines in his face add so much to the quality of the photo! Good job!
        Photo By: Alexander Hemery  (K:19)

Critique By: Suzanne Strenk  (K:98)  
4/3/2002 11:37:16 AM

Wow! The lines in his face add so much to the quality of the photo! Good job!
        Photo By: Alexander Hemery  (K:19)

Critique By: Suzanne Strenk  (K:98)  
3/26/2002 9:16:54 PM

Beautiful! How did you get the sky to look like it stretches out over you?
        Photo By: Dave Holland  (K:13074)

Critique By: Suzanne Strenk  (K:98)  
3/22/2002 9:44:10 PM

I saw this portrait, and I really don't know much about processing, but I love the approach you took at this portrait, as opposed to the first one of your wife. In my mind, the closer the better. Seems it's easier to capture depth of the eyes,and their obvious attitude when you're closer to them. I enjoy portrait as well-- hope to see more!
        Photo By: Samuel Downs  (K:7290)

Critique By: Suzanne Strenk  (K:98)  
3/22/2002 8:39:00 PM

Breathtaking! You are so lucky to have witnessed that!
        Photo By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)

Critique By: Suzanne Strenk  (K:98)  
3/22/2002 8:33:46 PM

That is fantastic! It's eye catching-- I especially like the way you managed to get the "bulova" in so clearly. You might contact them to see if they like your work enough to use it-- you may get positive results!
Thank you for the comment on my own photo, "ballet". It was from a session, but She was moving around, trying different things, and I just shot whatever. I would take much more pride in it, however, if it had been totally candid.
        Photo By: Daniel L Quigley-Skillin  (K:1383)


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