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Critique By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)  
6/10/2008 6:22:08 PM

I am pleased you enjoyed this image, Ali. You have the beginnings of a very nice portfolio. Welcome to UseFilm and please visit my photos again. Anson
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Julie Salles  (K:22654)  
6/10/2008 6:20:11 PM

Another beautiful floral work by you my dear Anson. Absolutely outstanding focus and DOF. Love the soft colors of this flower.
Big hug,
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Ali Alkhudhair  (K:285)  
6/10/2008 6:18:09 PM

Nice picture
beatiful color
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: M  jalili  (K:69009) Donor  
6/10/2008 8:30:02 AM

Regards ...........
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)  
6/10/2008 3:03:52 AM

This flower is not nearly as beautiful as your little Sara, but thanks for being so kind. Regards. Anson
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)  
6/10/2008 3:00:45 AM

You are too generous, Yazeed, but thank you so much for stopping and commenting. Regards, Anson.
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Andy Simmons  (K:7704)  
6/9/2008 11:39:45 PM

Very attractive study in blues. Nice work.
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Hussam AL_ Khoder  (K:79545)  
6/9/2008 5:14:00 PM

What a wonderful photo.

All the best.

        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: M  jalili  (K:69009) Donor  
6/9/2008 5:11:01 PM

How I love this work 7/7 ..............
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)  
6/9/2008 2:46:15 PM

Early light makes all the difference, dear Julie. It is just that as I get older it takes more discipline to rise early, feed the cats, and get my camera ready to shoot. I so much like your "Together" image and feel somewhat badly that my clumsy attempt to improve it fell somewhat short of what I had hoped (see below). It has been very dry and extremely windy here, with 2 small forest fires going nearby. Maybe rain tomorrow. These little flowers are some of the most beautiful we have in the yard here; I am so pleased I was able to share their beauty with you. Enjoy this day. Anson
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)  
6/9/2008 2:41:04 PM

Gracias, Gust@vo por su palabras mucho felicidades y venga aqui tambien, por favor. Anson
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)  
6/9/2008 2:37:21 PM

This is the first day in 3 days that the wind has not been blowing too strong to photograph these tiny flowers, Tony. I have another lily of the Nile that is much darker blue getting ready to bloom at any day. I appreciate your stopping and commenting. Please visit again. Anson
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Julie Salles  (K:22654)  
6/9/2008 2:17:31 PM

Absolutely beautiful dear Anson. Love your angle and DOF here, it makes the flower look much more delicate than already is. Beautiful morning light my dear friend.
I hope you are not having such crazy heat wave like us here. The feel today will be of 105, simply awful.
Have a great day dear Anson.
Big hug,
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Gustavo Scheverin  (K:164501) Donor  
6/9/2008 2:12:19 PM

Muy bonito, me gusta el enfoque y las suaves texturas.
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Tony Smallman  (K:23858) Donor  
6/9/2008 2:08:20 PM

Nice background,sets off the flower very nicely.
Best Wishes, Tony
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)  
6/8/2008 8:49:23 PM

Thanks for making me your "friend", Julie, and so happy to hear that your mom will be visiting you in NYC. There is always so much to see and do there, so I know entertaining her will be a snap. My mother, who has been gone now for many years, had a difficult time in new surroundings, since she had been almost totally deaf since birth. Yes, the camera is a new Canon purchased just before our excursion to Alaska and the inland passage back to Vancouver. We leave in one week; won't be able to post any photos until we return, since will not have internet access, except to check email. Enjoy the rest of the weekend, dear Julie. Abrazo. Anson
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: M  jalili  (K:69009) Donor  
6/8/2008 5:37:04 PM

All regards ...............
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Julie Salles  (K:22654)  
6/8/2008 2:48:04 PM

I see you got a new 'toy' my friend. I wish you best of luck with it. Now onto this amazing macro, absolutely wonderful colors with the yellow on the background supporting the soft colors of the flower really well. I can almost feel the flower moving. Was it a windy day?
Beautiful capture my friend. Hope you are having a nice Sunday.
Extra hugs for the start of the week.
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)  
6/8/2008 2:42:06 PM

Glad you like this one, Christine, me too. This image was not modified in PS at all except for a small amount of editing. We have another dark blue lily of the Nile getting ready to bloom any day. Keep an eye out for it. Anson
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: ******** ********  (K:1948)  
6/8/2008 7:43:13 AM

nice detail in the stamens and I like the soft colours,
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)  
6/7/2008 9:21:36 PM

A first try with a new camera, Joggie. I always enjoy your florals. Regards. Anson
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)  
6/7/2008 9:19:25 PM

Thanks so much, Yazeed, and stop again soon. Anson
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Joggie van Staden  (K:41700)  
6/7/2008 8:38:47 PM

Beautiful floral macro with creative use of a shallow DoF - The sharp stamens are contrast nicely with the pale blues of the petals. Fine work!
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: M  jalili  (K:69009) Donor  
6/7/2008 6:49:33 PM

Amazing ................
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)  
6/7/2008 5:38:25 PM

Thanks, David, and please stop in again. Anson
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: David Rodriguez  (K:11965)  
6/7/2008 4:57:06 PM

Excelente macro!
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)  
6/7/2008 4:18:48 PM

My first image with a new camera, Tony, and hand held in gusty wind. Thanks so much for stopping to comment. I enjoy your portfolio very much. Anson
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Tony Smallman  (K:23858) Donor  
6/7/2008 4:14:07 PM

Nice Work!
Regards, Tony
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Malules Fernandez  (K:54810) Donor  
6/5/2008 2:21:35 AM

Great picture, Anson.

        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)  
6/3/2008 4:25:14 PM

I always appreciate your IR related judgement, Wayne, and do so here. I have attempted to photograph this little mountain stream several times, but before never had good clouds. Regards. Anson
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

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