Critique By:
Saad Salem (K:89003)
7/2/2008 8:04:47 PM
appreciate replying.
Photo By: Anson Moye
Critique By:
Anson Moye (K:3480)
7/2/2008 5:26:27 PM
Although I don't know for sure the transmitter may be used to follow the range of the animal to see where it is going to find food, since this part of Denali is fairly barren of large plants, particularly during the winer. Thanks for asking, Saad. Anson
Photo By: Anson Moye
Critique By:
Anson Moye (K:3480)
7/2/2008 5:24:18 PM
Thanks, Sri, and glad you liked this one. Picture taken at about 6000 ft in Denali National Park. Regards.
Photo By: Anson Moye
Critique By:
Saad Salem (K:89003)
7/2/2008 4:51:01 PM
hi,I think this reindeer is not an endangered species,what is the purpose of the radio transmitter? my regards.
Photo By: Anson Moye
Critique By:
srimanta ray (K:2710)
7/2/2008 4:49:47 PM
lovely wildlife picture...:)SRI...
Photo By: Anson Moye
Critique By:
Hussam AL_ Khoder (K:79545)
7/2/2008 4:24:43 PM
I love this photo.
All the best.
Photo By: Anson Moye
Critique By:
Anson Moye (K:3480)
7/2/2008 4:16:26 PM
No, Saad, I shot it standing on the side of the mountain. This is a stitch of about 9 frames, taken vertically with a 10.1 Mp camera. Thanks for the compliment, anyway. Anson
Photo By: Anson Moye
Critique By:
Saad Salem (K:89003)
7/2/2008 3:56:39 PM
hi Anson,if you shot it from a car you deserve more complement.Saad.
Photo By: Anson Moye
Critique By:
Anson Moye (K:3480)
7/2/2008 10:49:53 AM
Thank you, Oscar, for the nice comment and return again for another visit. Regards. Anson
Photo By: Anson Moye
Critique By:
Oscar E. Flores H. (K:7850)
7/2/2008 5:55:24 AM
Bello detalle floral. Me gusta el encuadre. Felicitaciones
Photo By: Anson Moye
Critique By:
Anson Moye (K:3480)
7/2/2008 12:21:19 AM
Somethings that look totally confused when looked at with the eye appear much more organized when isolated by the camera, Giuseppe, and I am still learning how to see with the camera. Regards, and good to have you back at the office. Anson
Photo By: Anson Moye
Critique By:
Anson Moye (K:3480)
7/2/2008 12:19:13 AM
Thanks, Hussam. These Lilies of the Nile only bloom once a year and now is the time. Almost missed them while traveling. Regards. Anson
Photo By: Anson Moye
Critique By:
Giuseppe Guadagno (K:34002)
7/1/2008 10:41:52 PM
Good eye Anson for detecting this pleasant drawing of the nature. Cheers.
Photo By: Anson Moye
Critique By:
Hussam AL_ Khoder (K:79545)
7/1/2008 10:17:17 PM
Beautiful image. 7/7
Photo By: Anson Moye
Critique By:
Anson Moye (K:3480)
7/1/2008 8:32:01 PM
Thank you, Saad, for stopping and commenting. We were up a windy dirt road about 3000m when I shot this. Anson
Photo By: Anson Moye
Critique By:
Saad Salem (K:89003)
7/1/2008 7:28:08 PM
very beautiful landscape,regards.
Photo By: Anson Moye
Critique By:
Anson Moye (K:3480)
7/1/2008 4:25:21 PM
A little dicey getting this image, Jacques, while dodging the heads of my wife and grandson standing in front of me during this opportunity. Great to hear from you again, Jacques, and keep up that great shooting. Anson
Photo By: Anson Moye
Critique By:
Anson Moye (K:3480)
7/1/2008 4:22:37 PM
Over the waters of Auke Bay, Alaska, on a wet dreary day, so background was a problem here, Dave. Maybe a little work in PS can fix that though. Thanks for stopping and commenting. Regards. Anson
Photo By: Anson Moye
Critique By:
Anson Moye (K:3480)
7/1/2008 4:20:41 PM
Probably the best image of a series of six that I was able to get off before this bird got his dinner and left for the dining room, Gust@vo. Thanks for the nice comment. Anson
Photo By: Anson Moye
Critique By:
jacques brisebois (K:73883)
7/1/2008 4:06:12 PM
very nice freezing, real nice details, a perfect capture of this eagle.
Photo By: Anson Moye
Critique By:
Dave Stacey (K:150877)
7/1/2008 5:34:44 AM
Nicely done inflight capture, Anson! Great details! Dave.
Photo By: Anson Moye
Critique By:
Gustavo Scheverin (K:164501)
7/1/2008 3:33:39 AM
Impactante y majestuosa captura. Felicitaciones!
Photo By: Anson Moye
Critique By:
Anson Moye (K:3480)
7/1/2008 3:04:18 AM
Always good to hear from you, Bob. I will be catching up on your entire portfolio presently. Anson
Photo By: Anson Moye
Critique By:
Anson Moye (K:3480)
7/1/2008 3:02:46 AM
So good to hear from you, dear Julie. Get those Canadian images posted when you can. Hugs for lost time. Anson
Photo By: Anson Moye
Critique By:
Anson Moye (K:3480)
7/1/2008 3:01:08 AM
Thank you, Ameet. Anson
Photo By: Anson Moye
Critique By:
Anson Moye (K:3480)
7/1/2008 2:56:33 AM
Thank you Musa, and your bird images are very impressive also. Please visit again sometime. Anson
Photo By: Anson Moye
Critique By:
Anson Moye (K:3480)
7/1/2008 2:52:29 AM
Thank you for the comment, David, and please visit again. Anson
Photo By: Anson Moye
Critique By:
mousa Jubran (K:5780)
7/1/2008 2:39:35 AM
Great picture. See liked. Accept my sincere greetings
Photo By: Anson Moye
Critique By:
David Rodriguez (K:11965)
7/1/2008 2:29:04 AM
Wow, excelente captura! Hermosa foto! David
Photo By: Anson Moye
Critique By:
Bob Brins (K:4130)
6/30/2008 11:35:25 PM
Anson, such wonderful work! The generousity is yours for sharing.
Photo By: Anson Moye