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Critique By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)  
7/20/2008 12:40:04 PM

Hi, Priscilla, and yes we are now at our cabin in NC enjoying the cool wx and the change of scenery. So good to hear from you after such a while. Your IR work is impressive; keep it coming. Still resisting the urge to have mods done to one of my cameras. Regards. Anson
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Brigitte R.  (K:25989) Donor  
7/20/2008 2:48:01 AM

Stunning IR image, Anson! Love how the old home is covered by that snow white canopy of tree leaves. A very unique and original shot. Perfectly done! 7/7

Warm regards,
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Priscilla Beaulieu  (K:1430)  
7/20/2008 2:05:29 AM

again awesome. see youve been all over the map! been doing some traveling....
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Priscilla Beaulieu  (K:1430)  
7/20/2008 2:01:15 AM

very beautiful and simple. i like it very much
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Priscilla Beaulieu  (K:1430)  
7/20/2008 1:58:32 AM

oh wow what a great shot!
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Martin .  (K:24957) Donor  
7/19/2008 8:56:39 AM


I have seen thousands of photo's each week, but you are very consistently perfect every time with your wonderful work ol' friend... ;)

I understand about the Super Bowl tickets, but can I share your Bud Light? hehehe

Ok, now about our financial arrangement plan we agreed upon... ;) ROTHFLMAO!

All of my Best to You and Yours,


        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)  
7/19/2008 1:58:59 AM

Glad you like this image, Anindya. I seem to be attracted to older structures. I very much like your "Mist" image, a simple but strong and mystifying picture. Thanks for stopping and commenting. Anson
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Anindya Chakraborty  (K:12765)  
7/19/2008 1:33:21 AM

Looks really nice in this
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)  
7/19/2008 12:13:57 AM

What a surprise, Marty, but I have to tell you up front that you can't have my Super Bowl tickets for next year. I have always honored your judgement, but you obviously have slipped a bit. We are up here in NC enjoying the cool evenings and mornings. Great to get such a comment, dear friend. Regards. Anson
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Martin .  (K:24957) Donor  
7/18/2008 11:19:45 PM


Well your the best photog on this site IMHO, IR, or not!

Wonderful job my friend,

        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)  
7/18/2008 9:58:19 PM

This cabin has mostly sad stories to tell, dear Julie. It sheltered the last family to move from a community called Cades Cove in what is now the Smokey Mountains National Park in TN. The Olivers fought the courts for years, but finally were beaten down and were forced to move in 1946 to complete a land acquisition by the US Park Service. Just got my internet capability back here at our NC cabin yesterday, Julie, so I was hoping to hear from you at this first posting in some time. I missed your kind comments. Biggest hug of all. Anson
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Julie Salles  (K:22654)  
7/18/2008 8:56:09 PM

Yesterday I had a conversation with a friend who shoots a lot in IR so now I have a totally different appreciation for the work it goes into to make an image look like this. Beautiful work my dear friend, excellent point of view, beautiful light and colors.
I hope you have a great weekend!
Hugs from your friend from NY :)
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Johancharles Boers  (K:4370) Donor  
7/15/2008 11:47:08 PM

Anson Moye,

Great framing and use of natural lighting....most of all awesome detail.

Best Wishes,
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)  
7/15/2008 12:01:35 PM

Glad you liked this one, Wayne. Very overcast day so IR radiation a little weak, but couldn't pass up the tranquility here. Regards. Anson
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Wayne Harridge  (K:18292) Donor  
7/13/2008 1:41:45 PM

Excellent work.


        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Wayne Harridge  (K:18292) Donor  
7/13/2008 1:37:55 PM

Just excellent.

Wonderful tones, composition - everything.

        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Robert Chin  (K:22282) Donor  
7/8/2008 1:53:21 PM

Awesome pano Anson,love the contrast and the clouds above the peak.
Nicely done.
Take care
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Robert Chin  (K:22282) Donor  
7/8/2008 1:50:25 PM

Very nice capture Anson,lovely serene mood.Nice low key tones as the palms try to 'touch'.
Take care
Please visit!!
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Julie Salles  (K:22654)  
7/7/2008 6:46:13 PM

This looks like an enchanted forest dear Anson. I am looking around for the fairies :)
Beautiful in everyway. Did you use additional filters on this besides the IR filter? I would think so since your exposure says 15s?
Big hug my friend.
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Julie Salles  (K:22654)  
7/7/2008 6:40:28 PM

Excellent angle on this one my dear friend. The colors are so vivid, I love it!
Just excellent!
Back in NY, glad to be back home despite the hot and humid weather. I hope you are well my dear friend.
Big hug,
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)  
7/5/2008 6:14:56 PM

Hi, Marty, and great to hear from you, too. I took this picture while on a whale-watching trip in Auke Bay, just off Juneau, Alaska. I didn't expect to see eagles up close too, and we say 8 whales up very close, but they were there in the trees on a small island and took off to fish where there was a school of bait fish. Probably the best photo of the trip, as I missed several whale pictures up close because I had my telephoto lens mounted on the camera. Hope things are going well for you. Anson
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Martin .  (K:24957) Donor  
7/5/2008 4:41:23 PM


Wow, where did this come from? A little differant for you, but it's great.

Awesome capture my friend,

        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)  
7/4/2008 1:36:50 PM

This untouched river has many locations that I have visited that have this "surreal" look to them, Jim. I think they lend themselves to IR images quite nicely. Since I do not use a "converted" camera, my exposures need to be quite long, requiring very still days. Thanks for the nice comment; that was my intent, to convey such a look. Anson
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Jim Budrakey  (K:24393) Donor  
7/4/2008 6:39:03 AM

This is almost surreal. I keep looking for elves :-) Beautifully done.
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)  
7/3/2008 9:59:37 PM

A very difficult day for IR, today, Peter, with completely overcast skies. At least there was absolutely no wind, ie the very long exposures. Thanks for the very kind comment. You have so many great pieces posted lately, I don't know where to start. Regards, Anson.
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)  
7/3/2008 9:53:01 PM

Thanks for commenting, Surajit, and keep those images of yours coming and the portfolio growing. Anson
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Peter De Rycke  (K:41212) Donor  
7/3/2008 9:31:35 PM

This place is transformed to a magical spot in another space and time .. the IR filtering did a great job here, as did you Anson !!
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Surajit Mukerji  (K:3889)  
7/3/2008 9:29:19 PM

excellent picture, wonderful place. regards.
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Saad Salem  (K:89003) Donor  
7/2/2008 8:04:47 PM

appreciate replying.
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

Critique By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)  
7/2/2008 5:26:27 PM

Although I don't know for sure the transmitter may be used to follow the range of the animal to see where it is going to find food, since this part of Denali is fairly barren of large plants, particularly during the winer. Thanks for asking, Saad. Anson
        Photo By: Anson Moye  (K:3480)

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