Well Kev… thanks for taking the time. I will tell you this direct and for what it is worth. I have never taken a class on photography and I never will. I went three years on Usefilm before someone said, “Nice use of thirds.” I had no idea what they meant and had to do a google on it. I know my camera and what its limits are. Learn your equipment and adjust. Save yer money. Shoot what ya see and post what ya love. As you learn on yer own you will start to use and apply all those shiny buttons and such. Since you are shooting digital, it is not a matter of film… just re-charging the batteries. Take multiple shots and adjust the exposure. See what looks good to you and keep true. I loved the comment you made about not making many comments, and I was kind’a warmed ya spent so much time replying to me. I do not comment often, either… I have gone 6 or 7 or 8 years before replying to a Usefilm post. I seldom give advice that is unsolicited… but I will say a few things I have found over the years: 1) Fill the frame wiff yer subject. 2) Balance the image… yep, same as if ya put the photo on a scale to be weighed. Look at it. Does it sit well in your eyes? Left/right? Up/down? 3) Shoot what ya love… it does come through. Many, many, many folks here post images that yell, “Look at me! Look at what I have done!”… do not fall into that trap… post images that softly whisper, “Come and see what I have seen.” 4) It is all about angles. I am not a big fan of centralism (big ‘Photo’ word) so I set my main subject off-center. Yep, there are times when the main focus should be center… but not always. I try and set the subject prominent and not directly in the center and always, always, always, always look in the background to see how that plays into the balance thingy. Keep yer horozons (horozons rather than horizons on purpose… long story) level and yer trees vertical… and many mistakes will be forgiven. Save the cash man… learn your equipment and go forward with confidence. Jim
Hi Jim. Its been a while since i replied to a comment,but your words lifted me and made me smile,so for that alone i thought i'd reply. I do need to learn about the technical aspects of photography as my limited abilities are beginning to frustate me. I look at others work (including your leave pic and your portfolio)and im in awe, and a wee bit daunted,at the incredible detail/ lighting/quality of the photographs. I realise i have a long way to go. Have bought several technical books on the subject but my noggin' refuses to allow me to understand words like "deconvolution". Maybe thats more to do with my education:)Oops,there i go blaming others again! Anyway, i think joining a camera club might be the way to go for me. Its almost a year since i started and have tried various subjects and i think i enjoy taking streetlife pics most,so going to concentrate more on that in future i think. Btw, The Kinks are one of my fave bands. Love to capture a "Waterloo sunset", or one of those infamous arguements Ray and his brother had! Have read several of your other comments,and if i had a scottish tammy, i would "tip" that to you. Always liked the story of changing our road sings to confuse the germans too:)Take care Jim,look forward to seeing/reading more of your pics/ comments. Warm regards, Kev.
Mate, just read your bio stuff. Here is the best advice I can give about photography.. just shoot what you like and the Devil take all who disagree. Just snap what is in yer eye. I do not know shutter speed from my elbow or F-stop from my knee and still have managed to hold my own here. OH! "Have a Cuppa Tea" by the Kinks just came on my headphones.... (ok, I do know all the shutter speed and setting stuff, but the important thing is... just post and shoot what you love. And all will be well with the world) I have looked at a lot of your work. You are doing well. This pic caught my eye because I took one like this but have not posted it. I attach it here for you. Great minds and all that rot.