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stand tall
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Image Title:  stand tall
Favorites: 11 
 By: Gary Dyck  
  Copyright ©2007

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Photographer Gary Dyck  Gary Dyck {Karma:12834}
Project #55 Peace & Tranquility Camera Model Pentax *ist-D
Categories Landscape
Film Format Digital JPEG High
Portfolio Lens Pentax  SMC F 100 - 300mm ï4,5 - 5,6
Uploaded 2/3/2007 Film / Memory Type Lexar  1GB
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 4842 Shutter
Favorites 11  Aperture f/
Critiques 109 Rating
/ 23 Ratings
Location City -  Kimberley
State -  BC
Country - Canada   Canada
About or is that tall stand... of trees? hahaha. It was just an amazing sight to watch the setting sun and the different stages the forest went through, not to mention how quickly it went from being in the sun to in the shadows.

fyi... i believe that's Teepee Mtn in the background (part of the Canadian Rockies)
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There are 109 Comments in 1 Pages
Alex Munteanu Alex Munteanu   {K:1337} 12/11/2014


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 9/20/2008
Thanks Andre! It sure is a beautiful area! Cheers, Gary :)


Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 9/20/2008
A well deserved BIP on this one Gary!
Such beautiful country out there!


Silvia Festa Silvia Festa   {K:6008} 1/23/2008
this is an incredible place
in this photo there is the poetry of the cold


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 9/7/2007
Thanks Mike! Cheers, Gary


Michael Fox Michael Fox   {K:3180} 9/7/2007
Imageopolis Featured Photo Critique Gary -- I like the contrast of dark tones to light tones in your photograph. It leads your eyes right through the image. Also, I like your means of framing Teepee Mountain between the two tall, bare-bottomed pine trees.



Michael Kanemoto Michael Kanemoto   {K:22115} 7/19/2007
Perfection. You just blew my mind.


Ahmed Ismail Ahmed Ismail   {K:19853} 6/15/2007
Congratulation! Well deserved! Its a beautiful shot!
Regards, Ahmed


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 4/9/2007
Grazie, Pietro! :)


Pietro Clarizia Pietro Clarizia   {K:8241} 4/8/2007
wow! great view!!!
well done!



Kasia Koltunska   {K:5825} 4/5/2007
I was in Africa this summer but since then have simply been too busy with school to have time to sort through all my photos and to take the time for Usefilm... now, although classes still continue, I figured it's high time to revisit Usefilm... might just as well put that class time to some good use ;)


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 4/5/2007
Hi Kasia! I was wondering where you had got to. Must have been traveling around the world again?! Thanks for the comment. Cheers, Gary :)


Kasia Koltunska   {K:5825} 4/4/2007
Stunning image - almost like night and day combined into one shot. Congrats on the BIP as well.

Had a bit of a break from usefilm and was nice to re-visit your portfolio. Some truly fantastic work.


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 3/26/2007
Thanks for the detailed comment Nick. Cheers, Gary :)


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 3/25/2007
A great achievement, that really deserves to be selected under the BIP! Your lighting/coloring alone is simply amazing! Such a special capture of tiny details under a light that is really not easy to capture at all! An image with the mood of a painting and the sharpness of very well done photographic work! And one of the best winter scenes I ever seen!




Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 3/24/2007
thanks Arijit. Cheers, Gary :)


arijit(ratul) talukder arijit(ratul) talukder   {K:6029} 3/23/2007
wow!! love the soft tones
congrats on getting the award


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 3/17/2007
Thank you very much, Saeed. Cheers, Gary


Saeed Al Shamsi Saeed Al Shamsi   {K:47735} 3/16/2007
Splendid winter scene a very fine art looks work.
Congrats on well deserved BIP


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 3/14/2007
Thanks Roby. Cheers, Gary :)


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 3/14/2007
awesome my friend.. pure stunning snwscape!
favs.. and congrats


Eb Mueller Eb Mueller   {K:24960} 3/6/2007
Gary - you are right, it is not too shabby! :-) An image and an award to be proud of!


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 3/6/2007
Hi Eb... i agree with you in that the mtn peak is a bit on the bright side. But there was such a contrast from dark to bright that for a single exposure I think it wasn't too bad. Thanks for the comment. Cheers, Gary


Eb Mueller Eb Mueller   {K:24960} 3/6/2007
That's sweet and delicate and breathtaking, Gary! A small technical improvement would be to retain some more detail in the mountain peak snow.


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 3/6/2007
Hi Kelly! Wow, you were only gone for a month? Seems like forever since I last heard from you. Welcome back!!! I posted all these winter scenes just for you ;-) Thanks for looking! Cheers, Gary

ps, I'll be gone for about 2 months very soon... off to work in the frozen northlands again.


Kelly Duntley Kelly Duntley   {K:13889} 3/6/2007
I'm gone for a month and you get BOP award!!!! This picture sure fits the bill. The color tones are awsome and certianly adds the the title of the project. Congrats on the award, so richley deserved. Striking indeed!!!!


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 3/2/2007
hahaha, thanks Ali! Always room to squeeze in another comment!! Cheers and have a great weekend. Gary (o:


Rashed Abdulla Rashed Abdulla   {K:163889} 3/1/2007
There is no much room left here for me to add a comment after reading what the others have wrote

This is Remarkable photograph which been exposed and composed with very great skill and well deserve the Award


All of the best my friend

Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 2/27/2007
Thank you, Raisa! :)


Raisa Vorotnikova Raisa Vorotnikova   {K:1934} 2/26/2007
Thank you for your comment.
You have beautiful shot here!!!


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 2/24/2007
awww thanks Susie!! :)


Susie Waldren   {K:273} 2/24/2007
Gary... this is totally stunning... woo hoo.. you rock...


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 2/19/2007
I agree with you there, Konstantin. Thanks for the comment. Cheers, Gary


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 2/19/2007
thanks a lot Jacues! Cheers, Gary


jacques brisebois   {K:73883} 2/18/2007
what an incredible capture, very well deserved award for this spectacular photography, very nice composition, tone, backgroung, congratulations.


Konstantin Yudintsev   {K:3253} 2/18/2007
Moments like that I wish I were there or anywhere out of the city.


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 2/18/2007
Thank you very much, Ina! I greatly appreciate your support :) Cheers, Gary


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 2/18/2007
Hi Viola! Thanks fo rthe comments. Cheers, from a cool Canada!! Gary :)


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 2/18/2007
Hi Dave, Yes, it was actually quite a cold day. Glad I could portray that in this photo. Thanks for the comment. I really appreciate it! Cheers, Gary


Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 2/17/2007
Wow Gary, stunning beauty, the light blue frost against the dark blue ground, and all the sbtle hues to pink, the fog, and the mountain to boot! Poster perfect, and well deserved award, Congratulations! The entire series is spectacular, any of these deserves an award, great quality photography and awesome presentation! Ina


Violetta  Tarnowska   {K:24497} 2/17/2007
I am pleased from Your prize naturally very much and congratulate You warmly:):):)
Again...warm hugs:):):)


Violetta  Tarnowska   {K:24497} 2/17/2007
Beautiful, Gary:)
Excellent lace work:)
Trees are fabulous and mountain in background like great wave of ocean .... Very nicely ....
Warm hugs:)


Dave Arnold Dave Arnold   {K:55680} 2/16/2007
Simply a gorgeous winter scene, Gary. Love the blue tint, it chills one to the bone and so well portrays winter. That layer of fog in the valley is just awesome.

Great capture, I love evening photography. Congratulations on your BIP! Well deserved.



Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 2/15/2007
Thanks Susie! :)


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 2/15/2007
Thanks Doyle, I really appreciate it! Cheers, Gary


Susie Dancer   {K:318} 2/15/2007
Gary, this photo is absolutely breathtaking!!!


Doyle D. Chastain Doyle D. Chastain   {K:101119} 2/15/2007
Oh . . . Congrats on the award!! I know I already commented on this but . . . Wow.

Doyle I <~~~~~


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 2/14/2007
Thanks Mohsen! Cheers, Gary


Mohsen Bayramnejad Mohsen Bayramnejad   {K:21377} 2/14/2007
*Congratulations on this well deserved BiP award!



Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 2/14/2007
Hi Jessica! Thanks for the big ego boost!! ) Glad to see you signed up and can't wait to see all your pics! Gary :)


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 2/14/2007
Why thank you , msReba! :)


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 2/14/2007
Thank you, Valdemar! :)


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 2/14/2007
Thanks Erland! :)


REba MAe   {K:48} 2/14/2007
Very Nice!


Jessica Buckle Jessica Buckle   {K:-565} 2/14/2007
Hello, Uncle! Mom was just telling me about your website and I decided to take a look! I signed up for myself--but I'm a bit bitter that I am only able to add one photo a day. Haha, your gallery is SO amazing! There are quite a few photos here that really caught my attention. I wouldn't mind having a print. ;)

Anyways, I look forward to seeing more photos from you! I shall definitely bookmark your page.

- your (favourite) neice,


Valdemar Doveiko Valdemar Doveiko   {K:203} 2/13/2007
Very nice foto!


Erland Pillegaard Erland Pillegaard   {K:34147} 2/13/2007
Beautifult picture


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 2/13/2007
Hi Bill. Well, look me up next time your through here! Thanks for the great comment. Cheers, Gary


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 2/13/2007
Hi Greg... well, judging from your dad's pictures, he's seen a lot of this fine country. Hopefully soon you'll be able to post some pics from up here too. Cheers, Gary


Bill Morgenstern Bill Morgenstern   {K:7157} 2/13/2007
Gary - Congrats on BIP for this impressive image. The subtle tonality of the image is really appealing and adds to the tranquility of the shot. I've been through Kimberly in summer and loved it. Thanks for the winter view.

Cheers - Bill


GREGORY J. MCLEMORE JR.   {K:826} 2/12/2007
My dad has told me that Canada is amazingly beautiful.
Your shots are proving this true.
Amazing to see such natural untouched beauty such as this.
God Bless


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 2/11/2007
Thanks for the kind words, Wayne! Cheers, Gary :)


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 2/11/2007
aww, thanks Marian! Have a great week. Cheers, Gary :)


Wayne Winsauer Wayne Winsauer   {K:7331} 2/11/2007
(jaw open)
Stunning Beauty you have captured here!
The pastel colors are amazing!
Congrats on the well earned award!


Marian Man Marian Man   {K:80636} 2/11/2007
congratulations fro the more than well deserved BIP dear Gary!!!!!!
exquisite!!!!!!! and favorite!!!!


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 2/10/2007
Wow, thanks Roby! Cheers, Gary


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 2/10/2007
Thanks Greg! :)


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 2/10/2007
Thanks Derk. It does look like we have similar tastes in photography. Cheers, Gary


Derk Jager Derk Jager   {K:865} 2/10/2007
What a beautiful image Gary. Your comment on my photograph brought me to yours. You do great work. We are kind of in the same ballpark. This ahot has the great color contrast between the cool foreground and the warm background. This deserves BIP.


GREGORY J. MCLEMORE JR.   {K:826} 2/10/2007
Great Portfolio of shots.


roberto canepa   {K:7382} 2/10/2007
outstanding shot! great blue tones! perfect lighting: in my favorites!
many congrats!


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 2/10/2007
Thanks Tim. You must still be in the Calgary area judging by some of your recent posts. Cheers, Gary


Tim  Schumm Tim  Schumm   {K:29196} 2/10/2007
Hey congrats on the stunning image! as well as the well deserved BIP! Great composition.


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 2/9/2007
Thanks Elisa! Hopefully get out in my new truck and find something interesting to shoot! You have a great weekend too! Cheers, Gary :)


NN  NN     {K:26787} 2/9/2007
WOOW ... congrats on the BIP ... very well deserved for this tree series! Have a nice weekend, Gary!


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 2/9/2007
Wow, what a surprise! Thanks for the comments Riny. Cheers, Gary :)


Riny Koopman Riny Koopman   {K:102911} 2/9/2007
Gongrats For Best In Project...


Riny Koopman Riny Koopman   {K:102911} 2/9/2007
The exposure is good overall, the contrast is great and the composition is balanced .. great work


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 2/9/2007
Thanks Lynn! :)


Lynn De Serres Lynn De Serres   {K:471} 2/9/2007
Very majestic scene. Wonderfully photographed.


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 2/8/2007
Thanks again, Joe... Cheers, Gary


Joe Brown Joe Brown   {K:23213} 2/8/2007
Just beautiful Gary, expertly captured. The soft light and the colours are perfect. Great job. Thanks for posting.

Have a great day.


Pablo Dylan Pablo Dylan   {K:63918} 2/7/2007
Wonderful shot,great winter tones.



Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 2/6/2007
Thanks very much, Doyle. Cheers, Gary :)


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 2/6/2007
Thanks Paul. :)


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 2/6/2007
Thanks Zamrud. :)


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 2/6/2007
Thanks Liz. Cheers, Gary :)


Doyle D. Chastain Doyle D. Chastain   {K:101119} 2/5/2007
Beautiful Gary . . . Perfect color!

Doyle I<~~~~~


Paul's Photos Paul's Photos   {K:35235} 2/5/2007
beautiful scene..... nicely captured


Zamrud Fisantrino   {K:198} 2/4/2007
so amazing...the tone so real!


Igor Gordobayev   {K:2564} 2/4/2007
Perfectly! A good landscape.


Liz Wallis Liz Wallis   {K:26133} 2/4/2007
Beautiful tones and atmosphere...lovely viewing


biljana mitrovic biljana mitrovic   {K:48110} 2/3/2007
Never mind for not photogenic winter,I like it in any case....I like cold weather(many people thinks I'm crazy....
(e-mail me


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 2/3/2007
Hi Biljana! Well, envy not... today it's gray and cloudy with a very light snow... not so photogenic. Cheers, Gary :)


biljana mitrovic biljana mitrovic   {K:48110} 2/3/2007
Hey Gary wonderful shot,and wonderful snow.i envy to you
Hugs Biljana


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 2/3/2007
Thanks Mohsen. Coming from one so talented as you, it means a lot! Cheers, Gary :)


Mohsen Bayramnejad Mohsen Bayramnejad   {K:21377} 2/3/2007
this is really awesome, dear Gary. it's my second time to visiting your images, you have a creative mind and good knowing on the photographic elements.
this one just shows the power of your view point. also nice color tones and soft contrast this have! really well done dear Gary!

have a nice week end,



Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 2/3/2007
Hi Sarah... I think sometimes my camera adds a bit extra blue, but this time it seemed to work well. Thanks. Gary


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 2/3/2007
Thanks for the wonderful comment, Kiarang! Cheers, Gary.


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 2/3/2007
Thanks Hilal! :)


Sarah Salisbury-Vander Heide   {K:109} 2/3/2007
This is beautiful the blue tone really adds to the cold atmospheric feel.


Kiarang Alaei Kiarang Alaei   {K:49415} 2/3/2007
Wow, increabale. fantastic. the Mood is realy eye catch in this shot. it has a painterly mood and colours, realy wonderful.the vertical tigh composition is the best choice for this shot...would be glad if you look at through my portfolio


hll1310 - hll1310 -   {K:-80} 2/3/2007


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 2/3/2007
Thanks for the comment., Andrzej! Cheers, Gary


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 2/3/2007
Thanks Kara! Yep, I felt the cold too!! hahaha. Cheers, Gary :)


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 2/3/2007
Thanks Darryl... my pleasure in sharing! Cheers, Gary


Darryl  Barclay Darryl  Barclay   {K:6818} 2/3/2007
NICE presentation Gary!
The frozen frost on the trees with the snow covered mountain in the background with the soft light is a view that can be watched for hours. Thanks for sharing this wonderful moment with us.
Best to you


Kara BigCanoe Kara BigCanoe   {K:1328} 2/3/2007
This is a phenomenal shot! I can feel the cold and smell the crisp, clean air. Beautiful!


Andrzej Pradzynski Andrzej Pradzynski   {K:22541} 2/3/2007
Gary, I like the scene whatever time of the day it was taken or what is in the background. Amazing in charm and soft toned in winterish mood it is. Cheers, NJ




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