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  Photography Forum: Photography Help Forum: 
  Q. Need ideas for a photoshoot
Ian Erasmus
Asked by Ian Erasmus   Donor  (K=1153) on 5/9/2012 
I'm a photography student, studying to be a studio portrait photographer. I've got a photoshoot with a friend who is a singer who is needing photos for their album, and just for general publicity. I'm familiar with working in the studio, and lighting techniques (you can check out my usefilm photos if you really want), so I'm just looking for concept ideas for a unique shoot.
She is an R&B/hip hop singer, she describes her style as Rihanna, so I've been looking at photos of her. This is her first album, and she says it's a story of her journey through her life so far, so that's a theme she's wants to work into the shoot. That's the bit I've been struggling to think of ideas for.
In terms of equipment, I am a little limited. I have a decent 3 light strobe kit, with soft boxes, umbrellas, reflectors, filters, barn doors etc. I only have a white background, and it is kinda narrow which can be irritating. It's not an actual background, but a large sheet of laminated sign printing paper.

Here's some of her music

And these are a couple of the Rihanna photos I was looking at. I like the style, but they are a bit over-sexualised for what I am doing.

Thanks in advance for any ideas. I'm aiming to get into this sort of photography as a career, so this could be an important stepping stone for me.


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