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  Photography Forum: Photography Help Forum: 
  Q. Problem: Ricoh XR7 mirror locked up

Asked by Nicholas Zalud    (K=20) on 12/30/2011 

I recently received a hand-me-down Ricoh XR-7 about a month ago from my dad. After replacing the batteries, everything seemed to be working fine; although, I noticed that there was no distinction (time difference) between different shutter speeds despite physically setting the proper dial.

Today, I finally got the opportunity to have a closer look at the camera; without a lens attached, I wound the lever, set the camera on bulb and hit the shutter release. The mirror popped up, I let go of the shutter release button and, unfortunately, the mirror did not come back down. I can physically lower the mirror using a little lever on the side or by pulling it down, but it won't come down on its own and I can't rewind the camera. I can see that the batteries are not dead; the camera still meters and the self-timer still works (despite it not using the mirror).

Any other advice? I have looked through the original manual and briefly at the repair manual but haven't done anything besides push a bunch of buttons that have done nothing. Googling this problem in the meantime...thanks!


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