Photograph By Mark Broman
Mark B.
Photograph By a. Scarabeo
a. S.
Photograph By Rusdi Abu Bakar
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Photograph By Uwe Bachmann
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Photograph By  Dolle   x
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Photograph By John Bohner
John B.
Photograph By Nigel Watts.
Nigel W.
Photograph By a. Scarabeo
a. S.
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  Photography Forum: Photography Help Forum: 
  Q. Photo Assistant Boot Camp

Asked by Jon Sievers    (K=20) on 5/31/2011 
I wanted to pass long this info for those just starting out and those looking for a more professional photo experience.

The Original Photo Assistant Boot Camp

I took this workshop last year and it has helped me greatly.
I see that the next one is coming up on June 18-19 in New York City.

While it is intended for those looking to be photo assistants for commercial photographers, the information and lighting skills that the instructor James presents during this 2 day event is outstanding.

In 2 days James, who is a great instructor, must have shown us around 18 different lighting setups. And unlike other events that I have attended in the past, James had us setting up the lights and doing the metering ourselves. This made a HUGE difference when it came to my remembering how to duplicate what he showed us on my own sets.
Did I mention that I got to play with Profoto, & Broncolor studio strobes, as well as HMI's, KinFLo's and more studio equipment than I had ever seen in a real NYC photo Studio.

Like most of us here I look at magazine ads and fashion layouts and it all seems way over the top and out of reach. After reading James bio I found that he has worked with many of the famous and few infamous photographers whose images I admire. James really does pull the veneer off of commercial photography and showed the tricks used and exactly how to get the same lighting that: Scavullo,  'Annie', Mark Seliger, Antoine Verglas, Michel Comte, Norman Jean Roy, Henry Leutwyler, and a host of others use for their images.

After taking this workshop, lighting no longer seems like an 800 lb. gorilla in the room that I need to wrestle with just to create a great image. Seriously James just makes it all so easy and everything make sense.

I just can't say enough about how that 2 day experience has enhanced my photography and lighting skills.


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